A vintage photograph or illustration of early homesteaders building a cabin in the wilderness.

The Death of the Self-Made Man

A Journey Through Time

In the past, individuals stored resources to use later. People took home scrap, found materials, foraged and felled trees. Once they accumulated enough materials, they would homestead a piece of land and build a home. This was a time when one could live freely, shaping their world with their hands. It was a wild and dangerous era, where freedom meant being part of the food chain in a dog-eat-dog world. Powerful men acted with impunity, and with gold came money and the power it conferred.

A vintage photograph or illustration of early homesteaders building a cabin in the wilderness.

Evolution of Society

Today, despite progress and technology granting new forms of control and power, we remain in a dog-eat-dog world, struggling to evolve further. This area, once rich in cattle, has seen significant changes. Red Lake, a nearby dried-up lake bed, used to be a hub for cattle grazing and watering holes but is now farmland. Clacks Canyon once hosted a thriving dairy, but that too has vanished.

Dried up lake bed, Red Lake, with tumbleweed blowing by.

The End of the Roaders

This area is also home to the “end of the roaders,” individuals who have chosen to live at the literal and figurative end of the road. These people are drawn to the freedom, adventure, and the self-made lifestyle that comes with living on the fringes of society. They embrace the wild, untamed spirit of the past, finding solace and identity in the margins of modern life.

Suggested Graphic: Portraits of end of the roaders, perhaps with quotes about their lifestyle and philosophy.

The Melting Pot Community

As people from different states move in, they bring both positive and negative influences, forming a melting pot community. However, the old and the new currently clash, not meshing well. As the older generation passes or relocates to more fertile grounds, the new will eventually take over.

American flag with diverse people as the stripes.

A Fork in the Road: Choices for the Future 🌟

We stand at a crossroads. Each individual faces a choice:

  • Join the Melting Pot: Embrace the change, conform, and strive to be a positive influence in the evolving community. 🌍
  • Rebel Against Change: Resist the inevitable transformations and risk becoming a negative force within the community. ⚔️
  • Seek New Horizons: Move on to a place where one can pursue a more sustainable and self-determined life. 🛤️

The future of our community hinges on these decisions, as we balance the legacy of the past with the possibilities of the future.

A symbolic fork in the road, illustrating the three choices.


In many ways, we still live in a dog-eat-dog world, striving to navigate the complex interplay between progress and tradition. As we move forward, it is essential to reflect on our choices and their impact on our community. The spirit of the self-made man may be fading, but the values of freedom, adventure, and self-determination can still guide us as we build our collective future.